Norfolk Landscaping Specialist
01986 875555

Colombo Bactuur Clean Sludge



Colombo Bactuur Clean is ideal for cleaning and maintaining your pond and filter. Each millilitre contains over 100 million living bacteria, which will quickly and efficiently decompose the sludge on the bottom of your pond as well as inside the filter. Bactuur Clean will also help maintain the bio-film in your biological filter. This makes Colombo Clean the product of choice for the maintenance of your pond and filter.

Directions for use:
Initial dosage (decompose existing sludge): 40ml per 1,000 litres of water each day for 5 consecutive days. If water temperature is below 10°C, dosage should be doubled.

Maintenance dosage (prevent build-up of sludge): 20ml per 1,000 litres of water each week.